Breaking Patterns with messy abstract art.

Bilal Drndo
2 min readJul 8, 2023


As somebody who is passionate about creativity, I like art, but specifically the abstract type that is very messy, unorganised, and has borderly schizophrenic parts.


Because it doesn’t follow any patterns or any predetermined forms of shapes, sizes and lines.

It is unique and can not be recreated.

It gives us a break from our daily monotone lives which mostly consist of same activities i.e. waking up, eating, working, eating again, resting and going to sleep.

Just imagine, you are working as a Software Engineer. You wake up, code for a few hours, go eat, work some more, play some kind of sport, eat again, rest a bit and in the end go to sleep.

Now just imagine taking one hour per week to paint. You take a canvas and basically just start throwing and drawing colors and lines everywhere. After a few minutes, you have a unique piece of art that can not be forged or recreated by anyone and was created patternless.

99% of people would say that that is not art and would’t appreciate the effort that you put because “anybody could do the exact same thing”, but it is you that knows deep down that this is one of the most unique and relieving types of art.

Thank You!

